15 research outputs found

    Improved Algorithms for Time Decay Streams

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    In the time-decay model for data streams, elements of an underlying data set arrive sequentially with the recently arrived elements being more important. A common approach for handling large data sets is to maintain a coreset, a succinct summary of the processed data that allows approximate recovery of a predetermined query. We provide a general framework that takes any offline-coreset and gives a time-decay coreset for polynomial time decay functions. We also consider the exponential time decay model for k-median clustering, where we provide a constant factor approximation algorithm that utilizes the online facility location algorithm. Our algorithm stores O(k log(h Delta)+h) points where h is the half-life of the decay function and Delta is the aspect ratio of the dataset. Our techniques extend to k-means clustering and M-estimators as well

    From Adaptive Query Release to Machine Unlearning

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    We formalize the problem of machine unlearning as design of efficient unlearning algorithms corresponding to learning algorithms which perform a selection of adaptive queries from structured query classes. We give efficient unlearning algorithms for linear and prefix-sum query classes. As applications, we show that unlearning in many problems, in particular, stochastic convex optimization (SCO), can be reduced to the above, yielding improved guarantees for the problem. In particular, for smooth Lipschitz losses and any ρ>0\rho>0, our results yield an unlearning algorithm with excess population risk of O~(1n+dnρ)\tilde O\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}+\frac{\sqrt{d}}{n\rho}\big) with unlearning query (gradient) complexity O~(ρRetraining Complexity)\tilde O(\rho \cdot \text{Retraining Complexity}), where dd is the model dimensionality and nn is the initial number of samples. For non-smooth Lipschitz losses, we give an unlearning algorithm with excess population risk O~(1n+(dnρ)1/2)\tilde O\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}+\big(\frac{\sqrt{d}}{n\rho}\big)^{1/2}\big) with the same unlearning query (gradient) complexity. Furthermore, in the special case of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), such as those in linear and logistic regression, we get dimension-independent rates of O~(1n+1(nρ)2/3)\tilde O\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} +\frac{1}{(n\rho)^{2/3}}\big) and O~(1n+1(nρ)1/3)\tilde O\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} +\frac{1}{(n\rho)^{1/3}}\big) for smooth Lipschitz and non-smooth Lipschitz losses respectively. Finally, we give generalizations of the above from one unlearning request to \textit{dynamic} streams consisting of insertions and deletions.Comment: Accepted to ICML 202

    Private Federated Learning with Autotuned Compression

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    We propose new techniques for reducing communication in private federated learning without the need for setting or tuning compression rates. Our on-the-fly methods automatically adjust the compression rate based on the error induced during training, while maintaining provable privacy guarantees through the use of secure aggregation and differential privacy. Our techniques are provably instance-optimal for mean estimation, meaning that they can adapt to the ``hardness of the problem" with minimal interactivity. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on real-world datasets by achieving favorable compression rates without the need for tuning.Comment: Accepted to ICML 202

    Convergence guarantees for RMSProp and ADAM in non-convex optimization and an empirical comparison to Nesterov acceleration

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    RMSProp and ADAM continue to be extremely popular algorithms for training neural nets but their theoretical convergence properties have remained unclear. Further, recent work has seemed to suggest that these algorithms have worse generalization properties when compared to carefully tuned stochastic gradient descent or its momentum variants. In this work, we make progress towards a deeper understanding of ADAM and RMSProp in two ways. First, we provide proofs that these adaptive gradient algorithms are guaranteed to reach criticality for smooth non-convex objectives, and we give bounds on the running time. Next we design experiments to empirically study the convergence and generalization properties of RMSProp and ADAM against Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient method on a variety of common autoencoder setups and on VGG-9 with CIFAR-10. Through these experiments we demonstrate the interesting sensitivity that ADAM has to its momentum parameter β1\beta_1. We show that at very high values of the momentum parameter (β1=0.99\beta_1 = 0.99) ADAM outperforms a carefully tuned NAG on most of our experiments, in terms of getting lower training and test losses. On the other hand, NAG can sometimes do better when ADAM's β1\beta_1 is set to the most commonly used value: β1=0.9\beta_1 = 0.9, indicating the importance of tuning the hyperparameters of ADAM to get better generalization performance. We also report experiments on different autoencoders to demonstrate that NAG has better abilities in terms of reducing the gradient norms, and it also produces iterates which exhibit an increasing trend for the minimum eigenvalue of the Hessian of the loss function at the iterates.Comment: Presented on 14th July 2018 at the ICML Workshop on Modern Trends in Nonconvex Optimization for Machine Learning. In this version, we have made changes to the setup of our Theorem 3.1, and added additional experimental result